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Residents Medical Makes Holiday Donation to Make-A-Wish


LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / December 23, 2022 / Medical students dream big. They want to make a difference in their communities and aspire to careers in their chosen specialties. A U.S. residency can make these come true as the United States has some of the best teaching hospitals and research opportunities worldwide.

[Alt Text: A picture of a Make-A-Wish Foundation cancer patient in a hospital bed who Residents Medical partners with this holiday season.]
A picture of a Make-A-Wish Foundation cancer patient in a hospital bed who Residents Medical partners with this holiday season.

Even foreign medical graduates can apply for a residency program in the U.S. and change their fate. Residents Medical helps thousands of applicants for residency programs go through the rigorous process from start to finish.

This year, they are extending their reach beyond the medical field. They are making wishes come true with donations to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Residents Medical recently announced its partnership with the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Residents Medical will make a $250 donation to Make-A-Wish from now through January 15, 2023 when someone signs up for any of their services.

Residents Medical assists with education, interview preparation, residency placement, and more. Try them out if you need help getting your desired spot and benefit from their expertise.

It is a great way to achieve two dreams: get a step closer to a U.S. residency placement while making a difference in the lives of others.

Dr. Michael Everest leads Residents Medical, and he and his family aim to level the playing field for medical students from all backgrounds.

Decades of experience in the field enabled them to build networks of graduate medical education programs across the U.S. The Residents Medical experts can connect you to affiliated teaching hospitals and medical schools. With their help, you may find places where your experience will shine.

You can count on Dr. Michael Everest and his team of experts to share valuable advice every step of the way. Launch your residency campaign on a unique path that caters to your goals, and reach out for a complimentary initial consultation.

The Residents Medical staff will be on-hand to hear your story and your plans for the future. If you qualify, you can take advantage of Residents Medical services to land the residency program of your dreams.

Countless doctors can attest that the program brings results. Over 25 years of experience enabled a 97% success rate, with more than a thousand candidates getting a residency or fellowship in the United States.

Do not hesitate to help the Make-A-Wish Foundation by signing up for a service with Residents Medical until January 15, 2023.

More on Make-A-Wish Foundation

The charity focuses on children who are fighting critical illness. They give hope and strength to these young warriors by making their wishes come true.

About 87% of past Make-A-Wish Foundation patients say that the intervention was a turning point in their treatment. Almost all doctors agree that fulfilling these wishes help relieve the stress of families dealing with the critical health of their loved one.

Countless cases are documented in television shows and online articles, inspiring others to keep it going for the kids.

It started with a 7-year-old boy battling leukemia in 1980. Christopher James Greicius wanted nothing more than to grow up to become a police officer. His community came together, and they made him a small police uniform to help him feel better.

The kind act sparked a movement, and an endless stream of volunteers and donors continues to light the flame. They grant one wish every 34 minutes. What seems impossible becomes possible, gently nudging the children to believe again, helping them fight harder against their illnesses.

It's a great match. After all, Residents Medical and Make-A-Wish have the same goal; to turn dreams into reality. The team at Residents Medical Consultancy will serve as your expert advisor, lending you their knowledge and experience to increase your chances of success.

Contact: [email protected]

SOURCE: Residents Medical

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