Stocks in play: Bee Vectoring Technologies International Inc

Bee Vectoring Technologies International Inc

09:56 AM EST - Bee Vectoring Technologies International Inc : Announces progress into markets in North Africa and the Middle East through strategic partnerships with leading, locally-connected agribusinesses in four key countries to commercialize the Company’s proprietary bee vectoring system and biological control agent Clonostachys rosea strain CR-7 (CR-7). “These partnerships are at the core of our strategy for quickly scaling business,” said Ashish Malik, CEO of BVT. “Leveraging established local channels and using embedded sales teams is an incredibly cost-efficient way to access more of the market, fast.” BVT continues to progress its strategic go-to-market collaborations in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Morocco and Israel. In Turkey, the partnership is with BioGlobal, Bee Vectoring Technologies International Inc shares C.BEE are trading unchanged at $0.01.

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