Stocks in play: Choice Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Choice Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

09:47 AM EST - Choice Properties Real Estate Investment Trust : Announced today that the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”) has accepted a notice filed by Choice Properties of its intention to make a normal course issuer bid (“NCIB”). The TSX notice provides that Choice Properties may, during the 12-month period commencing November 21, 2023 and terminating November 20, 2024, purchase up to 27,563,002 Choice Properties trust units, representing approximately 10% of the public float of the Units, by way of a NCIB over the facilities of the TSX or through alternative trading systems or by such other means as may be permitted under applicable law. As of November 8, 2023, Choice Properties had 327,859,972 outstanding Units. Based on the average daily trading volume of 324,814 Units during the last six months, daily purchases will be limited to 81,203 Units, other than block purchase exceptions. Choice Properties Real Estate Investment Trust