09:51 AM EST - Aya Gold & Silver Inc. : Announced new high-grade exploration drill results at Boumadine, located in the Kingdom of Morocco. These results extend the main mineralized trend by 400 metres and continue to demonstrate continuity of the Boumadine Main Zone. Section 5600N delivered strong results and remains open to the south while the new zone in the northwest significantly opens the potential at surface and can be followed over 1.5 kilometres. Key Highlights: Definition of new high-grade mineralization and extension of the South Zone. The Main Zone, which now extends over 3.8 kilometres ("km"), is open at both ends along strike and at depth. BOU-DD23-142 intersected 475 grams per tonne ("g/t") silver equivalent ("AgEq") over 11.8 meters ("m") (0.97 g/t Au, 88 g/t Ag, 4.2% Zn, 1.6% Pb and 0.01% Cu) including 4.2m at 625 g/t AgEq. BOU-DD23-111 intersected 539 g/t AgEq over 9.6m (1.76 g/t Au, 134 g/t Ag, 3.9% Zn, 0.5% Pb and 0.1% Cu), including 3.1m at 1,367 g/t AgEq. Aya Gold & Silver Inc.
shares T.AYA are trading down $0.05 at $8.40.