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Money Lessons Learned From Homer Simpson

Homer Simpson is no role model, especially when it comes to money. His harebrained schemes would have put anyone other than a cartoon character into the poorhouse years ago.

Homer has inadvertently taught us some important money lessons over the years, and not just by showing us not what to do. Here are three of his best tips.

Loyalty pays off

Any rational boss would have fired Homer years ago. His laziness is inexcusable, and his ineptitude has caused more than one nuclear meltdown.

And yet, Homer stays around. And even though he’s frequently late or absent from his job, Mr. Burns continues to reward Homer by keeping him around. Homer has shown us bosses really do appreciate loyalty.

Taking risks can pay off

Most of Homer’s businesses haven’t gone very well. And yet, he’s still out there, taking risks. The thought of failure doesn’t even enter Homer’s mind.

More people should have that mindset. Many talk themselves out of starting a sideline business or even asking for a promotion before they even begin. Failure isn’t that bad.

Simple tastes

Homer might go on a lot of exotic adventures--especially in later seasons--but he’s clearly happiest hanging out with his buddies at the local watering hole, Moe’s.

In a society where it seems like people compete to have the most exotic life on social media, it’s important to be happy with just the little things too, like a beer or doughnut. Spending less is a big part of getting ahead.