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Rightscorp: The Content Creator's Champion


Online Pirates Can Do the Right Thing for $30, Or the Wrong Thing for $150k

SANTA MONICA, CA / ACCESSWIRE / December 26, 2016 / If downloading music, film, TV shows, and the like illegally from the Internet was a felony, we would live in a world of felons. Our friends and family members would be felons. Our neighbors would be felons. And, if we are being honest, most of us would be felons too. Online piracy is so commonplace that many illegal downloaders using so-called "file-sharing" programs like BitTorrent, uTorrent, Vuze and Frostwire, and others, either don't know that stealing content is actually illegal or they have convinced themselves that it's just par for the course in cyberspace, an inherent right of every Internet user. We’ve somehow convinced ourselves out of frugality that illegally downloading a movie on your laptop is fundamentally different from sticking a DVD in your coat pocket and walking out of a retail store.

Then, the unthinkable happens: You get a notice in the mail that you’re being sued for $150,000. The charge? Online piracy. The reason? Well, it was stealing all along.

But what if there was a way to educate (or admonish) people about the devastating economical effect that online piracy has on content creators, the financial pain it causes the very artists whose work we on some very real level cannot live without? What if there was a way to remind people when they do infringe on a copyright that:

1) They are doing something illegal and immoral

2) There can be serious consequences, consequences that are becoming more and more likely

And finally, what if there was a way to do the right thing for cheap and not risk doing the wrong thing for big bucks? Well, there is. Enter Rightscorp, Inc., the content creator’s champion.

Rightscorp: Red Light Traffic Cop and Legal Mediator All in One:

Rightscorp's technology protects the rights of content owners by scouring the Internet for copyright infringements that is as ubiquitous as it is costly. To wit: In January 2011, according to "Technical report: An Estimate of Infringing Use of the Internet", Envisional, a market research and consultancy firm reported that P2P (peer to peer) traffic that infringes on copyrights had reached 24%. In other words, 24% of all Internet traffic is the illegal downloading and distribution of mainstream, high-quality movies, music, games, and software.

"Our technology operates like a red light camera," began CEO Christopher Sabac. Sabac, whose background is in entertainment law and management, has worked with some of the largest companies and artists in the business including the rock band Hanson and The Dave Mathews Band. He served as the CEO of the Jerry Garcia estate.

Sabac continued: "We take what is essentially a snapshot of the infringer's ISP , the time and date of the infringement and other relevant information that indisputably shows the violation. The violator is then sent a notice informing him (or her) that they have infringed on a copyright and offering him a settlement fee of $30. The point here is to educate and inform and give copyright infringers an alternative. The notice does include strong cease and desist language, however, to ensure that he understands that the law is on our side and we are serious about protecting the rights of content owners"

Pay a Little Now, or a Lot Later:

In the notice of infringement, Rightscorp offers a choice between paying a small settlement fee of $30 facing a possible lawsuit for damages of around $150,000 USD under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), the current law. After collection, Rightscorp's settlements are split 50/50 with its clients. With no upfront fee for sits services, it's no wonder why Rightscrop has signed up many prominent artists and entertainment.

You can take Sabac at his word when he says he says he takes the problem of piracy, which has wreaked financial havoc on the entertainment industry in particular and the artists therein, seriously. Indeed, on behalf of BMG Rights Management, Rightscorp won a ruling in a jury trial against Cox on December 17, 2015 for $25 million. US District Judge Liam O'Grady, found that Cox failed to "reasonably implement" a method to terminate repeated infringers.

"As in the Cox case, we also provide expert legal consulting and litigations services to clients negatively impacted by online piracy," says Sabac. This provides another revenue stream for Rightsscorp in addition to its copyright infringement technology play.

The Future of Rightscorp:

The Company's mission statement ambitiously states:

Rightscorp is dedicated to the vision that digital creative works should be protected economically so that the next generation of great music, movies, video games and software can be made and their creators can prosper.

A small growing company with modest revenue, Rightscorp has by no means conquered the problem of Internet piracy. But with proven technology, a unique way monetize digital loss prevention, and an astute management team at the helm, investors should take a serious look at Rigthscorp. In 2017, the Company is pursuing an aggressive growth strategy in focused on expanding its reach in the film and television arenas. In the coming years, Rightscorp will continue to protect content owners from piracy—and hopefully make booty doing it.

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For further information:

Online Media Group, Inc.

SOURCE: Online Media Group Inc.