10:07 AM EST - Calibre Mining Corp. : Announced additional ore control reverse circulation drill results from its Leprechaun open pit at Valentine Gold Mine in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. The Company has completed 21,500 metres of RC drilling on a 9 x 9 metre spacing. The results of this drilling demonstrate 29% more ore tonnes at a 1% higher grade for 30% more gold than the comparable area in the 2022 Mineral Reserve model at an ore-waste cut-off of 0.38 g/t gold. Darren Hall, President and Chief Executive Officer of Calibre, stated : “I am very encouraged to report that Calibre’s Leprechaun open pit ore control drilling confirms grade and adds tonnage resulting in a 30% increase in contained gold compared to the Mineral Reserve. Importantly, the grade distribution as seen in Table 1 indicates that applying a higher cut-off grade will result in processing higher grade material. At a 0.70 g/t cutoff, the reserve model estimated 660kt at 2.02 g/t whereas the ore control model, for a similar tonnage, results in 18% higher grade by increasing the cutoff to 1.0 g/t. This is an extremely positive result which could result in increased metal production while simultaneously extending mine life. Calibre Mining Corp.
shares T.CXB are trading up 14 cents at $2.77.
Full Press Release: https://www.baystreet.ca/quotedata/quote.aspx?ticker=CXB%3ACA&qmodStoryID=4643403886021970