Stocks in Play

Stocks in play: Laramide Resources Ltd.

Laramide Resources Ltd.

10:04 AM EST - Laramide Resources Ltd. : Announced assay results received from the 2023 drilling campaign at the Huarabagoo deposit at the Westmoreland Project in NW Queensland. Thirteen drill holes were successfully completed in November 2023, with the primary objective of infilling zones that had been historically drilled, and to test for potential extensions of mineralization to the northeast, beyond the footprint of the existing resource. All 13 holes intercepted multiple zones of mineralization (>100ppm U3O8) with some zones displaying grades exceeding 1.0% U3O8. The uranium mineralization is hosted in the Westmoreland sandstone unit adjacent to the intrusive mafic Redtree dyke system. Laramide Resources Ltd. shares T.LAM are trading down $0.01 at $0.83.