Zscaler Hooks up with Nvidia

Zscaler, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZS) shares spring Tuesday. The company, purporting to be a leader in cloud security, announced a collaboration with NVIDIA to accelerate AI-powered copilot technologies. Zscaler will leverage NVIDIA AI technologies to deliver new user experience and security-centric copilot services to the enterprise.

The introduction of new AI capabilities, leveraging NVIDIA NIM inference microservices, NVIDIA NeMo Guardrails, and the NVIDIA Morpheus framework, will dramatically increase the ability to process data from the Zero Trust Exchange™ platform, further enhancing Zscaler copilot’s ability to proactively defend enterprises against cyber threats and simplify IT and network operations.

The rapid advancement of AI is becoming a primary game-changer to accelerate cybersecurity innovations. To effectively manage IT operations and combat threats at scale, enterprises must fully harness their massive volumes of data to equip an offensive and proactive security posture.

The new Zscaler ZDX Copilot, a first-of-its-kind digital experience monitoring copilot, with NVIDIA NeMo Guardrails, offers network, device, and application performance insights to enable simplified IT support and operations at scale. NeMo Guardrails orchestrates dialog management, delivering accuracy, appropriateness, and security in smart applications with large language models (LLMs). It helps safeguard organizations by overseeing generative AI systems.

ZS shares zoomed $2.82, or 1.5%, to open Tuesday at $186.73.

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