China Leads The World In A.I. Adoption: Poll

A new survey has found that China is leading the world in the adoption of generative artificial intelligence (A.I.).

The poll of 1,600 decision-makers worldwide that was conducted by American software company SAS and Coleman Parkes Research found that 83% of Chinese respondents said they regularly use generative A.I.

That was higher than the 16 other countries and regions included in the survey, notably the U.S., where 65% of respondents said they frequently use A.I.

The global average of regular A.I. use was 54%, according to a news release from SAS and Coleman Parkes.

The industries surveyed included banking, insurance, healthcare, telecommunications, manufacturing, retail and energy.

The results show that China is rapidly adopting A.I. and its capabilities. At the same time, dozens of domestic companies within China have launched A.I. technologies and chatbots.

The survey findings come a week after the United Nations reported that China is leading when it comes to generative A.I. patents, filing more than 38,000 between 2014 and 2023 against 6,276 filed by U.S. companies over the same period.

The SAS report states that enterprise adoption of generative A.I. in China is likely to accelerate in coming years as the costs of operating the technology for businesses come down.

The survey report concludes that China is also using A.I. to collect and analyze vast amounts of data on user activities in what could be a violation of individual privacy.

China and the U.S. are widely viewed as being in competition with each other for A.I. supremacy, with each country blocking imports of the other’s technology, notably microchips and processors.

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